
Learn More About Liposuction

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer breast augmentation is the main term used to describe the process of extraction fat from a patient’s body with liposuction and transfer of this fat to the breasts in order to provide the desired fullness.

Fat transfer breast augmentation today is the most performed plastic surgery type in the world. The procedure is also one of the oldest with at least 50 years of medical history.

Reasons for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

The main reasons for such procedures are generally appearance-based. People would like to give the desired shape and size to their breasts. Since there is no natural way to make changes on breasts like those, plastic surgery takes care of this situation.

Not every person has the same physical features in terms of colour and size of their body components. Breasts can be different from person to person. The size, the shape and the looking of the breasts can also be different.

During Breast Augmentation Procedure

In order to give the desired fullness and appearance to the breasts, some excess fat is extracted with the help of liposuction by performing on the donor sites of the person. The doctor determines where the excess fat is going to be extracted. The patient is administered local and general anesthesia to provide the best comfort during the procedure.

A certain amount of fat is extracted with a small tube particular to liposuction procedures. The standard incisions are performed to make the body for the injection. The fat is injected on certain areas of breasts in equal levels. After the injection process has been completed, the incisions are sutured together by the surgeon.

Recovery After Surgery

Patients are expected to get back to work within two weeks. During the early recovery time, some complications like swelling, bruising, itching and inflammation can be seen depending on the patient’s metabolism.

If any of those complications get worse, the patient should consult the doctor for prescription drugs. Any drugs taken without the doctor’s knowledge may cause further severe complications.

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