
Learn More About Liposuction

What to Expect From Laser Liposuction

There are several liposuction types performed in the world. These methods are called invasive and non-invasive. Invasive methods include incisions while the other ones don’t. Laser Liposuction is a minimally invasive method, which means it involves less use of a scalpel or any other surgical instrument.

Laser beams are performed on the area where the excess fat is located. The fat cells are disabled by these beams and the beamed sectors can no longer store fat. People should not expect much excess fat extraction from this method because it is effective on more surface fat. Stubborn fats can not be displaced or burnt by using the laser beams.

A standard laser liposuction procedure is capable of destroying about 1 liter of excess fat in the patient’s body. The amount is considerably small when it’s compared to the original invasive liposuction surgery which makes it possible to remove about 4-5 liters of fat.

It doesn’t mean that the more the excess fat is extracted the more the surgery becomes successful. This is actually the opposite, which means it becomes even more dangerous to the patient’s overall health condition. The laser beam method is famous for its easy in-surgery state and faster recovery time.

After Laser Lipo Surgery

Since it’s considered the safest liposuction technique, the patient is expected to return to work one day after the procedure. There may be a couple of scars because of the little incisions but they are mostly temporary. Just like in all the other liposuction methods, there is always a risk of infections, swellings and bruising.

These all can be acceptable if they don’t occur at high rates. If the patient suffers from lots of pain or any complications, he/she consult the surgeon and ask for some drugs. The patient should take prescription drugs only. Aspirin should definitely be avoided.

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